welcome…to my first blog

do you want to be the Best Dressed Bride… I hope I can help you with that… stay tuned for hints, suggestions and practical tips as well as funny stories all about being the best dressed bride! 


Hope you enjoy!



8 thoughts on “welcome…to my first blog

  1. You have helped me to be the best dressed bridesmaid and you are amazing! I am certain that you have tons of information to share with brides! All the best with your blog my dear friend!

  2. Your blog will be amazing like you. You made my wedding dress 17 years ago and recently did Caroline’s flower girl dress. Not sure if you remember, but I can’t sew at all….so, I took a sewing course from you about 20 years ago at the Y, i believe….needless to say, I was the entertainment for the entire class because I was so pathetic and unfortunately, that has not changed!

  3. Do you remember the dress in the bath tub full of tea! When it was hung up to dry, all the tea ran down the dress in rivlets. What would we do? With nothing to loose we put it in the washer and dryer, and the dress came out just the way the bride wanted it… lucky for you.

  4. Excellent article Carolann – funny thing is I bought a bra yesterday and after reading your article appears as though I may have to do a little more shopping next time. I am looking forward to following you …. you are the first person I have ever followed on a blog (no pressure).

  5. Love your blog Carolann, 19 years ago i purchased the dress of my dreams at the model shop for my wedding and it required some alterations which were a little tedious to say the least,,,they referred me to you and needless to say my dress was absolutley perfect when you were finished,,.i still have my dress and its as good as the day i picked it up from the magical dressmaker, maybe someday i will pull it out of my arhive closet and take a picture for your blog..lol

    Geraldine Mullett

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